DC to DC Converters with Railway Approvals
Trains are the most widely used form of public transportation in Australia, with rail freight accountable in transporting majority of goods and commodities. With so much at stake, it is essential that rolling stocks are properly maintained to prevent service disruptions.
Most problems encountered by trains are brought about by power fluctuations or failures, of which most can be addressed by using suitable DC to DC converters applicable in rugged environmental conditions.
With this in mind, MEAN WELL designed DC to DC converters – including the RSD series and DDR series – that are specially suited for railway use, and meet railway safety standards EN50155 and EN45545-2.
Please view these MEAN WELL products listed below this article for more information.
What is a DC to DC Converter?
A DC to DC converter is a device that adjusts the voltage level of direct current (DC) from one level to another. In railways, DC to DC converters are commonly used to ensure correct distribution of power throughout the train.
What is the Purpose of DC to DC Converters on Trains?
Trains require DC-DC converters to modify the power from the train's main power source into the correct voltage for the train's electronic systems. Most electronics and sensitive electrical equipment onboard a train require a specific, constant amount of power to run.
Stabilising the voltage is important to prevent malfunction, as well as protect the train’s equipment from deterioration.
What are Railway Approvals?
Railway approvals are industry-agreed standards that provide guidelines for safe operations and management of railways.
The European EN50155 railway standard is equivalent to IEC-60571 international standard. This benchmark applies to parameters that include temperature, humidity, shock, and vibration that trains are exposed to.
The EN45545-2 (Part 2 of EN45545), is derived from EN IEC 60332-3-24 fire test standard for cables in trains. This certification covers fire hazards that apply to fire behaviour of train components – including floor, seats, coverings, etc. – to ensure safety of boarded passengers and goods in transit.
MEAN WELL DC to DC Converters for Railways
MEAN WELL’s DC to DC converters for railways include the following series, and are used for railway’s telecommunication, security and control systems, among others.
RSD series – with advanced circuitry that enables efficiency of up to 93%, semi-encapsulated design provides protection of PCB while giving it the ability to withstand rugged environmental conditions.
DDR series – DIN-rail type of power supply that has an ultra-slim enclosure design with a width dimension of only 85.5mm. This is suitable to install onto TS-35/7.5 or 15 standard DIN rails easily.
PCB Mount Railway DC to DC Converter - these are the industry standard fully encapsulated quarter-brick size converters, with wide operating temperature and are available in output voltages between 5V to 54V (depending on model).
RQB150W3 series
RQB150W12 series
RQB60W12 series
RQB40W12 series
If you require additional information or technical support, please contact our team on 1300 MEANWELL (1300 632 693) or @email.